Saturday, December 24, 2011

A King is Born

When they saw the star 
they rejoiced 
with exceeding great joy.  
Matthew 2:10

Friday, December 16, 2011

Hot Chocolate for Sophia

24 x 24 x 1.5 inches
60 x 60 x 3.81 cm

My daughters, 3 and 8, love hot chocolate. It is something I purchase year round, because yes, they enjoy a cup during the summer months too. Especially, my Sophia.

There is a method to her drinking. First, she shovels the whipping cream  into her mouth and somehow 'chews' it to her delight. Then she stirs the rest of it blending it into her drink. Thus, this painting is an 'ariel view' of her stirred hot chocolate. 

It is always a happy five minutes in the house when it's time for hot chocolate. 

Addison and Sophia, and hot chocolate and happiness.

What food or drink takes you to your 